Camp and Ride 2016!

Hey folks – your president here… reminding you the annual camp-n-ride is this coming weekend. We would like to feed you, but we need to know that you’re coming so be sure to follow the appropriate RSVP process by visiting the link you were emailed (shown below for you convenience).

Also please note THE MAIN TRACK WILL BE CLOSED thursday and friday so that it may be well prepped for the weekend.

Working Members don’t forget that you can now invite a guest to this event! Guests (accompanied by host member) can ride this saturday from 9am-5pm. Remember you are considered a Working Member if you met Senior Member points in 2015 OR you have earned enough points in 2016 to pay for 50% of your dues for this year or next (17 points). Lifers must meet the point requirements to be eligible

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